it's the
vibe in you
♥ dies AGAIN.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008 OMO! I'm so freaking freaking spazzing right now... #$%^&*(#$%^&* <== see my spazzing?? GAYO DAEJUN PERFORMANCE WAS HOT!! AND the HOTTEST EVER!! AND I EFFIN LOVE MY CONNECTION LAST NIGHT CAUSE DON NEED TO WAIT FOR IT TO BUFFER. We went fangirling in the forum last night. HAHAHAHA. I super super love dong bang right now. And did you see their handstand kick whatever they call it,so ngam timing... grrrr. and their dance moves.. dies dies dies. . seriously hot! They changed their famous chin dance. hahah. And And And.. Chun said: "Are you guys ready?"this is what i'm talking about! so now what?you guys In your face,censorship board!!! THEY SANG UNDER MY SKIN,INSTEAD MY SKY MAKES THE WHOLE PERFORMANCE WHOLE. I couldn't help it. I don't care if you think post is boring but its my blog so what the hell lol.. AND THE ENDING KILLS BEBEH. *dies* To know what i'm talking bout,watch the video below please. weee. Their lase pose. Credits to whoever owns this pic. Weee. Back to edit. Anyways,ANother vid here. Wait no 2. Junsu playing the piano and singing MY EVERYTHING. And Yunho dancing to Junstin Timberlake's song. i forgot what. haha. bah here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Sing?
Sunday, December 28, 2008 Wee. So long since i've updated. anyways,for losers picture of yesterdays trip to town. Click AMANDA LOK in the links section. thank you. haha. I so love her. I like the way she sings. Eventhough maybe for you guys its normal. But i like it. haha. So yeah . just wanted to share. winks! Enjoy the vid. PIC SPAM! Noky bros! haha. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Grrr. Stupid freaking cbox. Tomato! your cbox banned me la!! And i wasn't spamming for goodness sake. blame the cbox because my message couldn't get through in the first place. So i keep hitting the "enter" button. den sudenly an error message came out. I'm so pissed. now i cant tag you anymore. ISH!! now the proof. That was before. Den i tried to send message again. SEE THAT?!!! UGH!! i so bu shuang that cbox!
♥ Pressies.
Thursday, December 25, 2008 THANK YOU to everyone for all the christmas wishes and pressies and HUGS!!! lol. I'm still in christmas mode. I just love christmas! The feeling of it just makes me high. Service were fine in Berjaya Palace today. But ...Technical problem!! GRRRRRRR. I pity garry for doing nothing for that 5 mins lol. And we went and watch THE SPIRIT today. We were um.. speechless.. John,Nathaniel,David,Aaron & Bernice Heng,Sammy,Connie and Daniel Chow would understand my feelings now. It's like waste 2 hours of your life you know! I effin hate the creator of that effin movie. And did i mention that the movie is all about TALKING. Directors,less talking more action should be your principe in doing a movie. The result of all the talking made MY SHOULDER transformed into A PILLOW FOR DAVID. Muahahaha. Pillow. yeah. So now ALL HUMAN BEINGS, I BEG YOU! DO NOT DO NOT GO AND WATCH THE SPIRIT. You want me to repeat that? sure. THE SPIRIT. if you think its a horror movie,guess again. AND FOR EVERYONE THAT MADE MY DAY TODAY and that includes dong bang, I EFFIN' LOVE YOU GUYS TO DEATH. NOW GIMME A HUG. LOL. *hugs everyone and dies peacefully* *revives and laugh like crazy* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Finally.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 My title says it all. My depression no longer bothers me. Because i got PHOTOSHOP back. Not back,a new one. Thanks to UMA aka my pretty dongsaeng aka the artist. and a good one too. I can start photoshopping again weee~~ so happy. Did i mention its cs4?? i know! superb right? haha. Lol. My mum forced me to like go out and watch Bolt today. Grr. Cliche animation-kiddy-movie. I didn't really enjoy it. muahaha. and i was starving like hell in the cinema. I wanna watch angus,thongs and perfect snogging. Okay I can't wait for tomoro's rehearsal and and and see The Quadruplets again. AND DANIELLE. I miss them! weee. oh wait. and Garry. lol. And this post is dedicated to my pretty dongsaeng,and now i present her work. Chibi-ed Dong Bang. So Cute. The power of photoshop. *waves magic wand* Credits:Ooma shi. No grab please. ♥ happy.
Monday, December 22, 2008 OMO!! I just finished watching music bank. fangirling over my chun is what i do best. So hyper now. weeee. grr. aiya. And i think my mouse is gonna break since i keep saving pics from Jia Jun's blog. Grr.. YAY!! now for gaya xmas pics. See,i fulfill my promise. [did i even spell that right?] There's more but i'm too lazy la... Bear with me please. i hate to upload pictures in blogger actually. Too troublesome. Cant even multi-upload. have to select one by one. I know what you're thinking right now,i'm just one of the member of lazy-bunch-human-being. Who cares right? So yeah. Crap is in my every post. *laughs like crazy* THE SINGAS COMING BACK TOMORO! YAY!! And did i menton they've been gone for 5 days?? Of course i miss them. slowpoke. muahaha. ♥ predictable much?
Sunday, December 21, 2008 LOL! i can't stop smiling you know.. i can't believe i update twice a day. I was so bored that i went to this site,thanks to zai. it predicts your future. lol. i don believe it la. JUST DID IT FOR FUN. This is what my result turned out to be. AND THE NAME YOOCHUN and korea. carved a smile on my face. haha. LOL. i'm becoming siao for now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ update no.79.
This would be my 79th update. So little,i bet emi has like hundred over. hahaha. I just realised that no one really uploaded Gaya Street pics. haha. pwease pwease upload them.*glares jia hui* *laugh hysterically.* UPDATE ON MYSELF: ♥I ABSOLUTELY-POSITIVELY LOVE LOVE LOVE FAIRLY ODDPARENTS . ♥I still can't get over the fact that i cant photoshop anymore. yeah yeah yeah. all the crap. Gosh. i know bah. grrr. i'm just speechless for now. and i miss chunnie. haha. and i'm stil waiting for john to edit our gaya street performance vid. he's too busy i guess. so i'll just sit down quietly and wait yeah? picture spam! My one and only fav fairy. *drumroll* COSMO! My YooChun. *faints* Credits to whoever i stole those pics from. Another gaya christmas pic.ME AND THE ZOMBIE JIA HUI.
♥ grr.
Friday, December 19, 2008 Okay,the fact that i'm here cause i'm so freaking super duper PISSED. MY PHOTOSHOP WENT MISSING. PHOTOSHOP IS WHERE I HELP PEOPLE YOU KNOW. CAUSE I FRIGGIN DO SIGGIES FOR OTHER PEOPLE. PEOPLE ARE COUNTING ON ME TO DO SIG FOR THEM.[eventhough i'm done with all the requests]Haha. But i'm counting on people to have that photoshop program back.heh. i know. desperate much? i think so. Okay,enuff with all the ranting. YEAH~ i love my girlfriend. wanna know who? there. my girlfriend so cute kan? haha. i know. lol. We took that before our performance. Speaking of which,the performance was great. SUPERB. God was really there with us. This couldn't happen without God right. i don't have any picture with me now but there will be pictures i promise. Wait till people upload la. haha.*prays* GRR. I JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY SKIN CELLS FEED ON MAKEUPS. my skin ells keep eating amanda's eye liner. haha.y yeah one of those superficial b*tches. haha. i got that from her blog okay? i'll be back with pictures. WE took seriously ALOT of pictures. Our lips went cramp. muahahaha. *poofs gone* And i'm missing tatjana right now. And i'm gonna miss the SINGAs soon. Rawr! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ see it for yourself.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 ![]() ![]() Alex Pettyfer. Secret. Okay now. Do you see any resemblance or whatsoever? If you do,please leave a tag. If you don't,leave a tag too. Here's another picture of him.
♥ Talk about DELAYING.
Yay! So happy today. I got presents. I love them. We went to Centre Point today,we as in danielle,amanda,ee syinn and natalia and me. (yeah,lame people hang together). And the Den we went to Wisma. I mean walked to Wisma. o0o0o0. We totally rocked Wisma. We bought MATCHING RINGS!! (Do we sound like we're homos??) And To summarise it,IT WAS LIKE GOING TO PARIS.. i know i'm like syok sendiri-ing but i love them. nyahaha. so happy now. And i was kinda pissy cause that freaking gaya street people say our rehearsal is at 6. But guess what?? 45 MINUTES DELAY! And i was eavesdropping when bobby and susan were talking. According to Bobby,the sound-system-man of the thing wasn't there. So unprofessional right? i mean like HELLO!! REHEARSAL LOR OKAY?!!! And i send identical message to everyone. Well not everyone,only some. (Insert name here) is smokin hot!! By the JiaJun say i have too much sugar. what the crap?? [learnt that from emi shi] Almost everyone didnt reply me,except for natalia and jiajun and john. Grrr. reply bah. at leaaaaaaaast a goodnight. haha. Oh well. i'm babbling too much. *shuts mouth* ------------------------------------ Edit♥ It is now 4:11 am. I'm chatting with natalia, And we were fangirling over WILBER PAN!! *screams* Part 1:
Part 2:
♥ Practices.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 Hey jerkish people that are reading this right now. i'm just freaking freaking crazy nowadays. And i hope Doing stupid stuff. I think Garry has this phobia called andie-crazy-time-phobia. I have so much to say but my mind is killing me with all the thoughts. Taman Antarabangsa event was superb! You know why?? CAM-WHORE BEBEH!! And the fact that we ate 1 litre of ice cream today,made us hyper in the CHURCH SANCTUARY. And talk bout Ee sYinn's exboyfriend,she's so freaking EMO with all the ice The above story is total fiction. haha. and now PIC SPAM!! The BOW~~ We end our dance with a not-so-perfect bow. haha. For more go to: THE RETARD AMANDA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Fangirling time.
Saturday, December 13, 2008 AH! *squeals* Bolero is out! They make japanese sounds nicer. haha. AND TALK ABOUT HIGH NOTES. After you hear this,maybe you think singing high notes are TOTALLY NORMAL. Click that play button or else i'll hunt you down. I totally love the melody~ Fukai~ Fukai~ sexiest line ever. He looks nice in that hat thingy. haha ♥ addicted much?
Friday, December 12, 2008 OMO!! I'm addicted to Miss No Good. Natalia made me addicted.I wasn't addicted back then. And that Clar bebeh keep talking bout Wilber Pan. And i repeat, bebeh,EDWARD CULLEN NOT HENSEM okay?? hahaha. Wilber Pan is la! haha. Pic spam! I have loads more but i don wan to show all. ahaha. I'll upload them post by post. haha. post too long also not good. nyahaha. I freaking want the calendars! They cost like RM70 and above. Aigoo~ Their faces are so EXPENSIVE, aren't they?? WHAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS THE CALENDARS! Haha. But its like impossible so i'll just shut up okay?? *hides*
♥ Ice Cream is our addiction.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Ice Creams ROCK the quadriplets' world.only today. Ee Syiin and I ate this. Amanda ate this. Natalia ate this. We got high right after or maybe during eating the icecreams. They're good. The mango one I find the nicest. haha. Yay to the quadriplets. heh. -------------------------------- Edit. It is now 0006. o0o0. nice number. Geng KARAS is BORN. hahaha. Oh my gosh,those cassies said my voice is cute. *glares* I sound like a baby la tu they mean. aigoo. nevermind,i forgive them. hahaha. I'm so excited for tomorrow's practice. LORD,PREPARE OUR HEARTS AS ALL THE EVENTS ARE NEAR. |
![]() I love green tea and i'm obsessed with South Korea.♥ Quads FTW.♥ elites
![]() ![]() ![]() tagboard
TomatoDanieLLe Joanna Ling Joie Daniel Bobby Powerhouse Aaron Kathlyn Cammy Garry Jia Hui Jia Jun Dina Derek <333 Sammy kpop freaks
Emi soulmateLady_YooChun Sarang-Ai 재중 McH.x yunhoROCKS_clar Maskuto_oppa YingLi Gegirl84_wawa Shim_OoMa Nat♥ChangMin BabyChun_zai Jaenesu_ane Apple Spicy Pie Jajarawr Eve Liz Aya Jinnie Flor bebeh Fanyfany SNSDjjang flashbacks
standing ovation
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