it's the
vibe in you
Friday, January 30, 2009 Annyeong to whoever that’s reading this. I’m so inspired right now. Not to do anything, I just feel very inspired. Don’t ask me, I do not know. Trevor couldn’t get over the fact that I’m “in love” with Ashley. I mean, come on la. He’s our freaking cousin la Trevor. How in the Teo family world? Haha. Anyways,i just finished watching Attack On The Pin-up Boys. Starring Super Junior. I'm not too fond of it though. Sorry to all SuJu fans. But,if it's dong bang..... Most probably,i'll love it to death. hahaha. I'm For real. I just don't see the climax of the movie. Hmm. Maybe I'm just too much of a pabo to not like a movie.Haha. Hee-Chul is super kyopta in that movie. And Ki Bum too. Haha. A new hearthrob has invade the world! ♥ KIM BUM ♥ He acted in Boys Before Flowers. It's a hot drama in mysoju right now. which is super predictable. I recommend you girls out there to watch. SO effin' nice. one more thing,I'm korean biased,so don't bother asking me which version is nicer. HAHAHAHA. I doubt you will though. Lastly,a Kim Bum picture. *stares* Angel,angel.♥ ♥ Updating just for the sake of updating.
Thursday, January 29, 2009 Read the title. Haha. I'm too bored,very bored. So i decided to update my blog,cause it's sleeping. I want it to wake up. My neighbour is frying ikan masin,aigoo the smell ah, I tell you. I'm dying. I'm suffocating. & I can still manage to type. Aigoo,i can't close the front door,because my bro is playing with his friend(s) outside. So it's no way out. Aiyo~ 4th day of chinese new year,i'm devastated. No ANG PAO!! Got la. but not much. I thought i'd be rich,so i can freaking go shopping LOL. I'm fantasizing. I know that wouldn't happen but,a girl can dream right? Potato asked me to go her house tonight,but no transport. So can't go. Bummer! I wanna go so bad. Xiaozz gathering! But But... I'm missing. You guys can't have fun without me! I mean it. hahahahaha. no la. You guys have fun in may wong's okie? Yeorobun,hengbok hasaeyo! Wee. was having a conversation with emi,more like chatting. Yeah,chatting session. But too bad she have to go bai nian at her aunts. We were talking bout dong bang. well,as usual la. Haha. And i miss her already! EMI! YOU BETTER COME BACK AND FREAKING ON YOUR MSN! hahaha. I know you feel loved. hehe. I'm crapping. haha. Anyways, i wont post a Chun picture today. You know why? You know why? I don't wan to be biased. HAHAHA. Instead,i'll post baby Changmin. Just because. Changmin is so charismatic in the picture. *melts* Wasurenaide.♥ Credit:as tagged.
♥ Mess.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 Wheee.. Annyeong everyone! Sorry for not updating yesterday. Too lazy bah! I'm so in a hyper mood right now,even though i just woke up. Because there's so many snacks on the table,so i can make myself fat this holiday~ Very very fat.. And those oranges in the fridge! Trust me i wont stop digging into the fridge. Prepare to be suprised everyone! I'm wearing the cosmo shirt that Amanda and Danielle gave me. So nice oh. I'm just talking about my surroundings~ HAHAHA. Oh yeah. I wanna talk about this little someone. Somehow we(tomato & me),have this negative vibe when he's around, Well,even when he's not around too~ Now you can imagine how STRONG is the vibe. To this little someone: Stop all the i'm-the-ultimate-guy-alive and im-your-dream-guy thinking. Gosh,Don't you feel sick? I feel sick just looking. Let alone listening to your i'm-oh-so-awesome talk. Stop being so stuck up,snobbish,conceited and whatever related to that word thats in the dictionary. Because those behaviour of yours is not gonna do you any good. And,one more thing. GET A FREAKING LIFE. Lastly, just because i love Junsu's side profile. See what i mean? total hawtness.♥ credits: as tagged. ♥ I'm chinese-ed.
Monday, January 26, 2009 Had reunion/family dinner last night. The dinner made me miss malacca so much. I wish i was there. I was texting koko Russell,he said everyone is there liao. *sobs* COUSINS~~ I miss you guys so crazily much la!! I wish i was there to cuci longkang and wash mama's kitchen floor with you all.. sigh~ Is this called homesick? i don freaking know. I'm so frustrated now. Grr. Anyways,back to the dinner. here's some eye candies. Did i mention that my dad cooked all of the food? NO KIDDING. I KNOW. My dad cooks once a year only. no joke. ![]() The dining table sight. haha. so red kan. ![]() Weee. Chap Chai. ![]() Chicken Curry. Which I didnt touch at all. ahaha. ![]() Steamed fish! don't know the name of the fish. haha. I'm in charge of eating la,not naming the food. WARNING: NON HALAL FOOOD IS SHOWN BELOW. ![]() Wee. PORK! I forgot how is it cooked. I think its roasted. ahaha. ![]() Chinese sausages. I ♥ those. LASTLY THE FINALE!!! ![]() ORANGE SAUCE DUCK!! Note the mandarin oranges. haha. So nice oh! The sight of us eating.oh,and that's my dad's friend. ![]() I was the photographer. *grins* ![]() The siblings~ ![]() Mr. & Mrs. Teo. LOL! May your birthday be full of happiness,and please share your cake Joongie! Haha. winks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ JaeJoong's Birthday eve. LOL.
Sunday, January 25, 2009 AND NOT FORGETTING CHINESE NEW YEAR EVE. *sing chinese new year song* YAY! Awesome-ness! HAHA. Time: 11.38 am. I have no idea what to write. Oh yeah i got something to write. I shall say it loud and clear now. LELE,YOU ARE NOW HISTORY IN MY LIFE. Thanks to your freaking lies,and you immature mind,you'll be forever dead in my novel. NYAHAHAHAHA. i don't care liao also. Soulmate! Somebody volunteered to chop him down. You wanna know who? Click "Tomato" in the rawkers list. haha. I was so glad i finally realised. I was so busy forwarding message to tomato and emi. i was constantly typing and i eventually fell asleep. Mian tomato,soulmate and jerry. Am too lazy type more,and if i have the mood,i'll be back to edit. Did i mention i love my cbox colour?? CURRENTLY LOVING: MEXICO!!! VIVA MEXICO! Ivan,I effin' <3>I think he's slowly becoming a fanboy. haha. *feeling shuang in the heart* *EDITS* See,told you i'll be back to edit. Woohoo,came back from chinese new year shopping! (i know what you're thinking) So what la last minute,i come from a lazy family. hahaha. Deal with it bebehs!! Bought a skinny jeans,which is not in my list. But it's too tempting,so i bought it. FOR RM19.90 only. HEHEHEHE. I look irresistible wearing that jeans. lol! And oh yeah,i bought a shirt from PADINI. RM32. aiyo~ I'll miss you RM50! anyways,gotta go now. And if i don't update tomoro, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEJOONG!! You can finally wink perfectly,practice makes perfect i guess. ♥ Saranghae JaeJoong!but YooChun more.*hides* Credits to whoever own the pic. hehe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ New peebeoh~
Friday, January 23, 2009 STATUS: Currently watching BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS. I efffin' hate buffering. But i effin' adore the movie. yeah yeah yeah,i know i'm only at episode 1. But since i've watched Meteor Garden & Boys Over Flowers(japanese), so i would put my hopes very high. I shall emphasise on that. VERY SUPERLY FREAKISHLY HIGH~ Do i sound like i'm on drugs? LOL. This would be my 2nd update for today, just because i miss blogging. Heh. I'm currently influencing Kathlyn to watch it. I doubt she'll like it though. But screw that. My sixth sense can go *crosses finger* I really enjoyed chatting with Emi dongsaeng today. I was constantly typing. haha. Thanks to her BRO we can't really spazzz bout videos. In fact,we almost didnt spazz together. Aiya~ So sayang. Ish. Gotta run now people~ watching part 2 of episode 1. *pats internet* Be good. And i'll love you. i promise! LOL. Last but not least,a picture. heh. Looking SMEXY in suit.♥
♥ i miss you,blogger.
OHEMGEE!! My freaking blog is freaking dead for the past two freaking weeks. I'm currently backtracking soompi. Its hard work.(super hard) My mum finally pay the internet! Now,spam my cbox if u miss me . i mean it. haha. SOULMATE! U MUST LEAVE A TAG. LOL.I have alot alot alot to say but you know what,i don't freaking bother to write anything anymore because i'm just happy that my blog is updated. Well,at least for now. Haha. Okay,Larian Kecergasan today! haha. Interact board members didnt run. nyahaha. Well,almost all. BECAUSE, BECAUSE BECAUSE WE WERE SELLING ICE-CREAM TO RAISE FUND FOR UNPRIVILEDGED CHILDREN. (i'm not sure how to spell.)(my spelling sucks.)(my english sucks.) We earned around Rm 637. A-WE-SO-ME!! Thanks to all lok yuk-ian and teachers and most of all NESTLE FOR MAKING IT HAPPEN. haha. DRUMSTICK TECHNO IS OH SO DELICIOUS~ And i'm so happy that i can finally pic spam again. how i miss dong bang and my blog and my soulmate,and the Quads,and my weeee fams,and CF. Loads more la. but too lazy to type. haha. Anyways,PIC SPAM!! Nice hair~~♥ PS: I love Interact Club's president. LOL.
♥ This sucks.
Sunday, January 11, 2009 Wee. My day is so awesome! Well,until 6pm only la. Muahaha. Emi was pissy cause i transfer credit to her. LOL. she's crazay~~ Anyways,POWERHOUSE IS SO EFFIN FUN TODAY. We explore deeper the meaning of P.O.W.E.R. Awesomness bebeh!! In case you're wondering.... P- Personal relationship with God Do you see the wonders of words? If you can't I suggest you go pay the doctor a visit. Tu la. Don eat apple everyday,if not..... Haha. How POWER can make a difference.. The world,The community,most of all.. OURSELVES. haha. So The Quadruplets' conclusion is continue reading~~ POWER POWER gives us FIRE, Wee. And i just joined a JaeChun forum. It's stil very quiet there. So Jaechun lover please go to this forum. FLY TO SOULMATE FOREVER. You guys must join. haha. So yeah. PICTURE TIME~~ don't you just adore soulmate? ♥ And now,bonus pic. HOODIE!!! ♥ credits to whoever that owns the pictures above.
Friday, January 9, 2009 Weee. It's 2108 now. Got school tomoro. Yeeyer,so lan si/duo lai oh the school. First week only got class on saturday liao. What la. I'm sick of you you pengetua you! This time,NO.JOKE. I.MEAN.IT. Anyways,Weee.. Emi loves(or is it like?) my blogskin~ Heh. I like the stripes. Haha. Okay,I told you I was excited about the mesyuarat agung right? Actually nothing also. LOL. And weee. Naib Pengerusi bebeh. Okay Okay. i know i'm bragging but i never get such big position. And volleyball again tu~ AWESOME.(A-WE-SO-ME) I realised i use alot of "AND"s. Muahaha. And i just watch O jung ban hap misheard lyrics. So freaking funny la. Wait till i embed it. Funny like hell. Hell isn't funny also. What oh you andrea. ya la. babi. what me oh. OOPS~~ I WAS THINKING OUT LOUD. Yer so crap oh. i'm just typing whatever comes across my mind. PICTURE TIME~~ And i love this picture of Yunho. The hair so nice. haha. Crdt:as tagged. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------♥ Codes.
Thursday, January 8, 2009 Lalala. i changed my blogskin. Muahaha. I wanted a simple one. and i'm currently into stripes. haha. So yeah. AND THANKS TO HOSHIE AND EMI DONGSAENG FOR HELPING ME WITH THE CODES. you see,i had probs with the codes. i cant find the top px. LOL. I went blind just dealing with the codes. And the result is totally different from the original skin. Go search la. i know u wanna see bah.haha. I'm EXCITED for tomoro's volleyball mesyuarat agung. I don't know why. Haha, playing after school tomoro and you know how much i love volleyball. nothing to say actually. can update like short short post every now and then. Screw form 5. and i was super pissed last night. Emi knows why. She was too. haha. anyways,yeah mix emotions.. I cant wait for Bigeastation ep93 part 3 to be out! They're so freaking funny in that episode. Die. Die. Die. And i shall quote Daniel Chow
He was referring to the Quads. Grr. i like saying that so much. AND MY NEW "KOU TOU TAN" is............... *drumrolls* I'M SICK OF YOU YOU YOU (insert name here) YOU! Dont be shock if i say that. And if i say that,trust me im just kidding. i dont mean it. haha. And lastly.. I love his eyes here. He rocked that marker. ♥ ♥ School la bah.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009 I think everyone is blogging bout their first day of school right? Haha. I'm gonna do that too. But nothing much also, The teacher are all so blah. haha. SPM year oh. First day the teacher gave us stress liao. And i actually studied on the first night of school which is last night. WOAH. i know you're saying that. Muahaha. I couldn't believe it too. Thanks to my mum's nagging and stupid,un-entertaining tv programmes to made me open my add maths reference book. NYAHAHA. I actually feel good after studying last night.(what the effin heck right?) Can i be in Ripley's now? LOL. And weeeee. Powerhouse peeps and Lok Yuk-ians,Please watch The Quadruplets are ONLY minors. sad huh? And we were making homemade pizza,HELL YEAH ITS DELICIOUS. Watch in orders okie? haha. I'll love you. And my blogskin sucks at the time being,the blogskin maker punya photobucket acc bandwidth exceeded. Screw my blog. wahahahahhahahahhahahahha. And i finished my homework! So happy now. Thanks to the computer for being my MOTIVATION. wakaka. And i even packed my bag for tomorrow. And its only 1813 now. *off to yo search for new blogskin. [duhh] * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Saturday.
Saturday, January 3, 2009 Its saturday! Haha. The moment I online, soulmate and eve find me. I feel so wanted. LOL. I woke up an hour ago. and it is now 1313. You know why? I came back around 2am last night. Went yumcha with my sister's friends. Sadong bebeh. Lol. I wore powerhouse shirt lagi tu. Hahaha. Anyways,the mee goreng sucks la last night. Like grrr. Un I have so many families la.
Nah. So many leh. A-we-so-me-ness. Anyways,I pray that The Weeee Fams collaboration will turn out great. Singing Hug. haha. I got Chun's part!! And Changmin's too. That boy's/man's(indecisive) voice is super high. But yeah. Singing for fun only. haha. Last but not least.. Spamming again.. My current display pic on msn.*giggles* Credits to whoever owns this pic. haha. AS YOU CAN SEE,I'M YOOCHUN-BIASED. HAHA. I DON'T CARE IF YOU DISLIKE HIM. HAHAHAHAHA. *stares at jiajun*
♥ Welcoming "it".
Friday, January 2, 2009 I can't believe it's here. Yeah it is here. Don't believe it? Well, you just gotta believe it. Actually, I didn't look forward to another new year. Cause i just didnt want the fun to end YESTERDAY. It was so freaking fun until we had to check out. Grr. One night isn't satisfying. Okay,so i'm suddenly in love with citadels(i think that is how it is spelled). LOL. I'm like playing for fun only. THE FUN PART WAS THE KILLING AND THE STEALING. Anyways,dong bang is going to japan again. Bye bye korea,hello japan. haha. CRAYZAY~~ Hyper like crazy. I just wanna talk no meaning punya stufff. too lazy to tell what we do last night. Oh yeah,this one i must say. THE WRESTLING GAME ROCKS BEBEH!! not real life gusti bah,that one i die lo. haha. The fact that i won when i was playing with ee syinn was so so so so fun. AH~~ the taste of victory. hahaha. anyways,pic spam. no.. Gif spam. The not-so-perfect-chun-but-who-the-heck-cares CHUN. haha. was just kidding. chun lovers don't kill me.. *runs in circles* ![]() ![]() Credit:dnbn DO NOT HOTLINK!
![]() I love green tea and i'm obsessed with South Korea.♥ Quads FTW.♥ elites
![]() ![]() ![]() tagboard
TomatoDanieLLe Joanna Ling Joie Daniel Bobby Powerhouse Aaron Kathlyn Cammy Garry Jia Hui Jia Jun Dina Derek <333 Sammy kpop freaks
Emi soulmateLady_YooChun Sarang-Ai 재중 McH.x yunhoROCKS_clar Maskuto_oppa YingLi Gegirl84_wawa Shim_OoMa Nat♥ChangMin BabyChun_zai Jaenesu_ane Apple Spicy Pie Jajarawr Eve Liz Aya Jinnie Flor bebeh Fanyfany SNSDjjang flashbacks
standing ovation
Layout: NicoleOthers: Color Codes |