it's the
vibe in you
♥ Ice Ice Baby.
♥ If I should go, should I go close to you?
Friday, August 28, 2009 Woots. awesome day today. Slept till 2pm, fuah. So satisfying oh me sleep. Then went out with John, Jia Jun, Jia Hui and my sis. LOL. Frenz cafe bha! Woah, we practically sat there the whole night. 8.45pm to 1am. aina, alot bha our topic. Super lame la all of them. Then Jia Hui was like, "why la we got like these punya sister?" ahaha. i so effin love him oh. then we help to promote john again. Because he got car, house, money, and most importantly he's ALIM. hohoho. :D so awesome la our cina-beng night. WARNING: NEVER ORDER FRENZ CAFE'S SPAGHETTI. it's um blah. edible, but better don't. haha. i'm serious. Then kan, John sang eminem's song man. Wa, I terus burst out laughing. "Sup ladies? my name's Slim Shady" Can you imagine that coming out from john's mouth? iknowright? Tomorrow going to Sutera Harbour for Joint Installation meeting. Grr. What should I wear? I feel retarded. I WANT TO GO SHOPPING. being broke is bad, but being broke during holidays is the worst. blah, i wanna commit suicide. Anyways, My all time fav dancer. :D ![]() ohemgeee. Freakishly hot picture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Always keep the faith.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 Yeap. Always keep the faith people. I got some photos to share. They're super super nice, with a deep meaning. credits: DNBN ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Anyways, i'm excited for tomorrow. Got tuition, tuitions are always fun. ehehe. But before that we're gonna go for lunch in Likas Square. All of us together. Wee, so fun. Today chemistry teacher nag nag nag oh. Grr. Mcm teda kerja. Then kan, The Freak coming with us tomoro. OHOHO. Amanda, amanda's twin and i are gonna be noisy like hell. hell noisy meh? LOL. No idea. I WAN SEAFOOD TOFU STEW! hahaha. UI, my post so freaking lame oh. Oh well. No music core, music bank and inkigayo for a week. Sigh, i'm depressed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Somebody say snow white!
Monday, August 24, 2009 So LOL oh the title. Anyways, i'm missing frenz cafe's green tea. The green tea so nice oh! Bitter bitter one when you drink. HAHAHA. that sounded so wrong. But it's true. Oh yeah, You wanna see COMMON SENSE EPIC FAIL? There. So wtf man this guy. Please la. Who the hell ask these kind of question in Yahoo! Answers? Well, exclude him of course. I WANT PICTURES FROM ELSA'S AND DAMIAN's reception bhaaaaa. Aish. Especially the ones we took with them. They look so good together. Gah. Jealous oh me. Like i also wanna get married ni. AHAHAHA. Anyways, CONGRATS newlyweds! :) bah, school was okay. And i effin love the photo album may brought. crapness man her. So nice oh. Lives up all the memories. bah, gonna stuff some oranges in me. ciao, loves. ![]() Pretty ladies, pretty hanboks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Watch and Learn.
Thursday, August 20, 2009 Lalalalalala. Today was a very good day. Yups, 100% attention during Add maths and Accounts. Nyaha. Then we had Frenz Cafe delivery. aiya, the sentence sucks, but you know what i mean. HAHAHA. Ohoho. Mini pearls, how i love you. Sedap ni, then got free tissue. Good advertising bah. Strategy, ehehe. Am currently downloading Secret Code songs for May. LOL. she requested for it. Her and her dong bang craziness. AHAHAHA. as if i'm not like her kan? Uiyoh, Hollaback girl! Yoona looked so good in that poncho-like top. I love Sunny's hair! Yuri's outfit, green and yellow ftw! Haha. bah, enough la tu. According to garry, my blog is too korean-ish and is unreadable already. apa boleh buat la if i like korean culture kan? It's like how you all like American culture, or Taiwan culture. AND I KNOW LOADS OF YOU LIKES JAPANESE CULTURE. Hate it when people go: "yeeee,why you like korea so much oh?" "ish, korea korea only you." "stop with the korea obsession bah." so wtf oh, so i ask you back la, why you like David Archuleta? Why you like Gossip Girls? Why you like Taylor Swift? I didnt ask you all to stop liking them kan? nah. rasa kamu. MY TASTE JUST HAPPEN TO BE DIFFERENT. So what la i got this thing for asian guys? White guys are too overrated sometimes. Have some respect la ok? Hate it so much. It's getting on my nerves lately. UGH. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ What's my name, gossip girl?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 yep, what's my name? Ahahaha. i'm craving for maggieeee mee. haha. Asam Laksa. woo, my fav. ![]() Punya sadap!! Sigh, bikin emo only oh. Anyways, today the day like past so slow ni. Permutation and combination is so freaking fun. yesh, it is add math. I'm retarded i know. LOL. I accidentally hit greg's head today. haha, i wanted to hit his hand. But oh well, i suck at aiming. nyaha. I love to abuse him. *evil laugh* But deep down inside i love him. ahaha. Then kan, BJ so blah man today. He wanted to effin kiss me, ewwwwww. For fun of course(to him), but to me it's just plain disgusting. His face was like few inches to mine. woah. i terus stunt ni. CHEY. Thank God NOTHING happened. And somebody was rude today. chey, duo lai la her. does it hurt to talk politely? does it hurt to talk like a girl should? Gosh. So kasar you talk for what? What la you get? PUBLICITY.right. " You make everything worth it. "
♥ Lose ourselves in this charading.
Monday, August 17, 2009 Wooo. Awesome day today. Except chemistry and accounts. I was like half dead man. ugh. Ahaha. Anyways, i watched Inkigayo again. Ehehe. I was one day late lol. It was brodcasted yesterday. And I was excited, cause KARA's doing guys' dance. Fuah. They nailed it. Girl's version of that song not bad also. But vocal wise not that good. But dance wise, OMG! so nice oh! WATCH WATCH WATCH. Lame oh everyone today. during physics and chemis. Like everyone laugh like gila nieeeee. then Jerry emo. oh well, i can do nothing also. bah, i'm off to dinner. love love love love. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Spazzing mode.
Friday, August 14, 2009 WARNING: THIS POST WOULD BE ALL ABOUT KPOP. YOU CAN IGNORE THIS POST IF YOU WANT. This is my 200th post and guess what..... DONG BANG'S PICTURE OF YOU MV IS OUT! OMFG!!! IT'S LIKE SO AWESOME. Crapness la. I miss them so effin much, even though they're on the news lately. But all of the news weren't pleasant i must say. But at least this is. *grins* Hot moments: 0:29 0:39 0:48 1:02 1:09 1:10 omg! yoosu moment! 1:25 He's perfect in EVERY angle. 1:52 2:25 Min's a hottie. nyaha. 2:39 Yunho! 3:40 4:15 Hottest adlib ever, nuff said. 4:25 More than the air i breath~ Yunho and Changmin's entire adlib moment. The fact that they're all in white. Gah. Jae's see through shirt. Chun's suit-like shirt. Yun's loooow V-neck. I CAN GO ON FOREVER, BUT I GUESS I'LL JUST KEEP IT TO MYSELF. AHAHA. They're basically hot in the entire video. CASSIES, WATCH. I demand all of you to watch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Hair Spray and Make-ups.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 OMFG. ftkjstnklentjnjbt. I can't even Are You A Good Girl MV is released! OMFG la. So effin hot la them! Especially chun♥♥♥♥. Today was kinda blah. The performance was blah. I hate the raging sun and our long sleeve shirts. But i LOVE LOVE LOVE my hair. Braided babes! Then i belanja THE GEEK(Ee Syinn) rm1 today. So lame oh her, i belanja den she say "i love you andrea". So fake kan her. AHAHHA. But i love you too! She bought sweets, tissue and biscuit. Dui, people buy something else la, something filling. But her ah, dunno buy what. LOL. Gosh. I hate pimples wtffff. They distract you and makes you ugly. AHAHAH. But pimples, you are going down, cause i got pimple gel with me. YES! All of you are gonna be dead and gone. Gonna skip school tomorrow, ehehehe. But got freaking tuition. But okay also since got amanda and natalie. Then, we're gonna go Hi Seoul and makan! MUAHAHA. My favourite makan-ing place. OUR CAM WHORING SESSION WAS A FAILURE. We epic failed. I LOOK EFFIN UGLY AND BIDA. HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry i hit your hand away today. I just don't feel comfortable with all the people around us. SOMEBODY WAS BEING JEALOUS. BIKIN PANAS. NO RIGHTS TO BE JEALOUS. sedar dulu position sendiri please. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ You just gotta act like you don't care.
Monday, August 10, 2009 This post would be filled with videos. if you don't like kpop, better don watch the videos. LOL. Wee. Had practice with pancaragam today, not bad actually. It's just that they played Staying Alive so slow, terus we no feel ni. LOL. Yeah la, that Bee Gees song. Finally Jessica made full use of her mp3 ni, she recorded their rasa sayang. Jeng3. Woohoo. Great for learning their dance moves. But it's kinda sloppy no? They looked VERY tired. Their demo track of Genie. It's kinda different though. The audio sucks like hell. It was too short la wtffff. Should be longer! Their like handsome and pretty at the same time. LOL. ♥ their sneakers to death. Ainah, i really tabik amanda la. Her leg got condition still can dance. Heh. Credits to her effort. Tomorrow would be another awesome day. MAYBE. I hope. THE QUADS NEED NEW PICTURES. nyaha. OI update la blog kamu semua. Malas sia oh. hahahaha. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Last farewell.
Sunday, August 9, 2009 Omo! SNSD's gonna end their Tell Me Your Wish(Genie) promoting. Wait, it ended liao bah. LOL. Sigh. 2 months flew by so fast eh? Anyways, i had an awesome week. Nyaha. Isn't it obviousssss. Minus the stressful practice la. uinah, today was epic also. i never knew Gabriel wants a Jewish wife. LOL. No wonder. *shakes head* Gah. Thank God i get to use the computer today. Cause Inkigayo is today! And oh em gee. 2ne1's remix was cute la. Love the outfit also. And their different choreo. Awesome la. And SNSD's goodbye stage. Got dance break in the middle oh. Yuri's hair is so effin pretty, with her dancing. PERFECTION. i tell you. Girls Put it back on~ Awesome performances. Uiyoh, Bila la i can perform on stage like that kan? hahaha. Dreaming ja. Bah k la, need to go wash the dishes. Jeng3. And tomoro rehearsal with Pancaragam. ainah, pray hard that we wouldn't mess up la k? But im pretty sure we will since we didnt have enough practice time. Woo. And amanda's condition again, aigoo. I'm worried oh. I HOPE I GET A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP TONIGHT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ CAN'T STOP.
Saturday, August 8, 2009 Lol. Okay. my day started off with dance practice in complex. There's this group of girls kan, they also had practice bah. Then waliao. their moves kan, so sluttish oh. EEEEEEE. If i can like record a video kan, i think i would. But I didn't. I'm too kind. haha. Got one girl aiyo, the whole dance body wave body wave only, aigoooo. Like simple moves also she do wave. totally weird. Like wtf kan? haha. Then they used kpop song lagi tu, Spoil oh!! They tried to copy the real dance of the songs, but they EPIC FAILED. ahaha. Only XOXO will comprehend how i feel. And few others. Then we went to Youth Forum In Hyatt. Then we combined table with All Saints. Aina. Amanda and i like crazy ni when we saw Belinda and Elreena. Ahahahahahahahahaha. Not going further, cause i can go on forever. So we shall move on to this cute old man in the forum just now. Punya la cute he sleep. Mouth open, head laid back. Amanda was so effin hilarious trying to imitate him. Joined installation night on the go. =] Then got a retard there, who's in love with Tomato. but i like that guy, he's like awesome. Wee. Pictures time! Random pictures i found on the net. ![]() Beauty and the Beast. Yeppoda! ![]() LOL. Seatbelts rock! ![]() Sit or scrouch? LOL. Do u get the picture ka? ![]() LOL. I never knew. ♥ Project Runway.
Friday, August 7, 2009 Wee. Project Runway was um, so so. All the crew members had black shirt on, wooo. shows unity. nyaha. Anyways, i just came back and it's 7pm right now. I'll be out soon in half an hour time to go to cell group. Woots. Cell group is combining again tonight, jeng3, three of the Quads would be there. Ala sucks to be amanda. But i don't blame her. She sprained her foot ni, she fell down this morning. from the stairs. I think. Get well soon freak. =) Pray for her ah you all. Nyaha, Oops I did it again, that should be HER song la. Eeeeee, itu itu ja her gaya. kan kan kan? Macam la you all know who. Wee. Saw Jerry, Ali, Charlston and Wallace today. LOL. Everyone making good use of quarantine time. I'm exhausted la. But John promised that he'll treat me dinner. Muahaha. Thanks John. Buy sedap sedap one for me ah. LOL. Random: I had green tea again today. hahahaha. And just because i adore SooYoung so freakin much. crdt: as tagged.
♥ Crappy.
Thursday, August 6, 2009 I seriously cannot tolerate you anymore. You're getting on my nerves lately. Snap into reality, people DON'T ALWAYS like what you do. I know you don't care what others think, But i'm pretty sure you are affected by all the rumours, all the bad talk behind, and all the criticism. Don't you dare to deny it. You say YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN, but deep down inside you know that loads of people hate you. Even those people who you don't freaking know. Don't you want to change to try to make a difference? You acting like that is not gonna take you anywhere. You say you don't care about that particular person, but you go around minding other people's business. MAKES YOU LOOK FAKE OKAY. Everytime you do these kind of stuff, my trust towards you drops. Your attitude causes your whole group of friends to be on the same level as you. Sometimes i just wonder how the hell did i even became your friend. You're totally opposite of what i find in a friend. Like giving lame and stupid excuses to cover up for yourself. How stupid can you be? Do you think we're that stupid to fall for your excuses? More like we are too smart to even respond to them, if you're wondering why you always get away with it. Because we think that arguing with you is a waste of time, and plus you wouldn't learn your lesson. Not in a million centuries. And you think guys like you. *coughs* Please la ah, stop making yourself look cheap in front of guys. It's not worth it, do you think they like it everytime when you're all over them? They're disgusted by it okay? Well except all the pervert guys la. And i hate it when you scold people for no apparent reason. That makes me wanna smack your face and ask what the hell is your problem. You shout and yell at other people like they're your dogs. You think you're the boss of them? Not a chance, girl. You offend me all the time but you just don't realise it. Think before you act because actions speak louder than words. Being around you makes me feel so fake. Cause you're so full of yourself and it disgust me to the core, freak. People comment on your dancing, yes bad ones. I feel bad for you. Like really. I want to tell you so much so you would stop going around, bragging about your dancing and telling people you're actually good at it. But you're just gonna yell at me, so what's the point right? so by being a good friend, i'll just let you be. If you know that this post is talking you, don't bother confronting me about it. Cause i can't stand talking to you. And i wont even speak out a word about this post. Because i've made myself clear enough. SERIOUSLY, IF THIS IS NOT OBVIOUS ENOUGH. THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS. AND IF YOU HAPPEN TO READ THIS, PONDER UPON WHAT I SAID AND AT LEAST MAKE AN EFFORT TO BECOME A BETTER PERSON. AND I HATE IT WHEN YOU SWEAR. and i can't believe you hate it when other people swear. See the irony. UGH. I AM VERY CLOSE TO HATING YOU RIGHT NOW. PRAY THAT IT'S GONNA BE BETTER AND NOT THE OTEHR WAY ROUND. YOU'RE LUCKY CAUSE I'M STILL WILLING TO TALK TO YOU. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ Don't Say Goodbye.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
♥ Explanation.
Monday, August 3, 2009
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ♥ OMGOSH.
Saturday, August 1, 2009 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANY! Love your performance on music core today. LOL. Anyways, KARA is starting to grow on me. Their comeback performance was awesome. I really like nicole, she's so kiyob! Just wanna think about, I wanna think about.. A must-watch video :D Talented bunch of girls. I'm so depressed now, because i can't go to church tomorrow. You know why, because I got H1N1 symptoms, my dad forbid me to go to church. My teacher asked me to wear mask when im in the school bus. Mentang2 she knows I go to school by school bus. Then Garry was like, "aiya, later like tai lin ngong oh. " LOL. So lame la him. Pancaragam is giving us a hard time, like they expect us to choreograph a dance without listening to how they play it. Ugh, then the teachers think we're superwoman. Rasa sayang not even done. Crap la. The teachers pandai2 force us to join. budu. Nyaha. Im out of things to say. Volleyball Club Board members 2009.♥♥ |
![]() I love green tea and i'm obsessed with South Korea.♥ Quads FTW.♥ elites
![]() ![]() ![]() tagboard
TomatoDanieLLe Joanna Ling Joie Daniel Bobby Powerhouse Aaron Kathlyn Cammy Garry Jia Hui Jia Jun Dina Derek <333 Sammy kpop freaks
Emi soulmateLady_YooChun Sarang-Ai 재중 McH.x yunhoROCKS_clar Maskuto_oppa YingLi Gegirl84_wawa Shim_OoMa Nat♥ChangMin BabyChun_zai Jaenesu_ane Apple Spicy Pie Jajarawr Eve Liz Aya Jinnie Flor bebeh Fanyfany SNSDjjang flashbacks
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